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How Can I Pass My Practical Driving Test?
There are very few people who can honestly say that the thought of taking their driving test doesn’t scare them. It’s only natural to be intimidated by the idea; taking a normal exam can be stressful enough, so throw the added strain of driving into the mix and it’s no wonder the driving test is a worrying proposition.
The truth, however, is that it’s not as bad as you might expect. Heed the following advice and you’ll stand the greatest possible chance of passing first time.
Practice makes perfect
First and foremost, learning to drive is about getting the practice you need to control a car safely. The only sure-fire way to become a safe driver is to get the miles under your belt, so it’s crucial to get as much driving time in as you can before your test.
Also, it’s important to pay particular attention to challenging routes and roads in your area. For example, at GoGoGo our driving school in Peterborough is surrounded by roads like Lincoln Road and Bourges Boulevard, which can often be stressful to traverse if you’re new behind the wheel. Likewise, the Eye Services and Boongate roundabouts can be particularly tricky, so it’s a good idea to get as confident as you can with these areas in case they come up on your test.
Observation is key
Remember that the driving test is predominantly about safety: the examiner needs to be able to confidently declare that you’re aware of your surroundings and can manoeuvre your car without disrupting or endangering other road users.
That’s why observation is so important on the test – just like it is in real-world driving. Drivers who use their mirrors regularly (and correctly) and check their blind spots when parking will impress on the test – and be much less of a risk out on the open road afterwards.
Be prepared
Make sure you read up on exactly what the test entails, and ask your instructor as many questions as you need to – it’s so important to know what to expect on the day. Likewise, even though you’ll have passed your theory test by the time you sit the practical component, don’t stop revising theory. The better your theory knowledge, the easier you’ll find your time in the driving seat.
Take care of yourself
Make sure you’re well-rested in the run-up to the test and focus on getting a great night’s sleep beforehand. You’re bound to be anxious (we know how you feel!) but try your best to control that and remind yourself that you’re capable of passing the test – your instructor wouldn’t have recommended you sit it otherwise.
Driving School Peterborough
Intensive five-day courses are very popular today, as they allow you to pass in a fraction of the time that you’d traditionally expect the process to take. At GoGoGo driving school Peterborough, we have a 90% pass rate and even provide free corrective lessons if you don’t manage to pass your test first-time round!
Find out more about how our course works today or contact us to book your place. You can read through our other Go Learning articles to learn more about passing your driving test.