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Top 6 Theory Test Tips To Pass First Time

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When you start revising for your driving theory test, it can feel like there’s a lot to learn. There is also the added pressure of knowing you have to pass this test before you can take your practical. From knowing your way round the Highway Code to feeling confident about passing your hazard perception, we’re revealing some of our top 6 theory test tips to help you pass first time.


Create a manageable revision timetable

If you’ve taken one look at the Highway Code and felt your head start to spin with the rules of the road, we recommend breaking down the key sections into bite size chunks. Even just setting aside a regular 20 minute slot in your day can really add up and make your revision seem more manageable.

With GoGoGo we will start preparing you for your theory test from day one in our supportive classroom sessions.


Practice, practice, practice

Unlike other tests you take at school, your theory test is multiple choice. This means even if you don’t know the answer you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right. However, this doesn’t mean you should slack on revising. There are a wealth of apps and online practice tests that are engaging and give you a feel for what the multiple choice questions will be like.


Shake up your revision

Revision doesn’t have to be about shutting yourself away in your room and reading the Highway Code cover-to-cover. To help you shake things up, why not get a friend or family member to test your knowledge? There are also tonnes of interactive quiz-based apps and practice hazard perception tests online which are usually free to use.


Think back to your driving lessons

An added bonus of the theory test is that you can apply your experience of driving to your answers. By the time you come to take your test, you should already be up to speed with things like speed limits and road signs.

You can also revisit questions that you are unsure about which should take away some of the pressure on the day.


Familiarise yourself with what will happen on the day

Knowing what will happen on the day should help you feel calmer and more confident. Instead of worrying about how to take the test, you can spend time thinking over the Highway Code.


Be prepared – don’t forget your provisional licence

The evening before your driving theory test, we recommend you pack everything you need and get a good night’s rest. Don’t forget your licence!


In short, making sure you set a manageable revision schedule, familiarising yourself with the format of the test, and practicing little and often will help you pass your theory test first time.

If you’re looking for an intensive driving school Peterborough GoGoGo can get you ready to take your theory test in just five days. Did we mention we also have above average pass rates?

To find out more or to book your driving lessons, you can check out our website.

For more tips on passing your theory test, visit our Go Learning Hub.

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