It is a wonderful feeling of personal achievement when you pass your driving test and once you gain your full driving licence you have demonstrated that you have achieved the minimum benchmark standard of driving required by law. However, statistically you are at your highest risk of being involved in an accident, serious injury or road death in the first two years of gaining your driving licence. At GoGoGo Intensive, we really care about our drivers, which is why we offer an advanced driving course after you pass your test to help you build your driving skills.
Young drivers are involved in a huge proportion of road casualties due to a combination of inexperience and a tendency of many young people to take risks. One in eight licence holders in Britain are under 25, yet one in four fatal and serious injuries or road deaths occur in this age group during the first two years of gaining a driving licence. Young drivers are involved in a huge proportion of road casualties, due to a combination of inexperience and a tendency of many young people to take risks.
So how will you look after me after I pass my test?
Andy McManus our Director of Training was Head of Collision Investigation for Lincolnshire Police and an Advanced Road Death Senior Investigating Officer. In one year alone he investigated 78 road deaths. Statistics suggests that with initial advanced training nearly all could have been avoided.
Our interest in you does not end after you have paid your course fee and gained your driving licence, it goes much further than that – we aim to take you much further than the minimum standard during your 5 days with us through our advanced driving course, which is in line with the Institute Of Advanced Motoring (IAM).
All the Directors at GoGoGo Intensive play an active role in Cambridge, Peterborough and Boston IAM. You can continue developing your newly found skills, discover why advanced motorists are the best and safest in the country, benefit from reduced insurance premiums and share your interest in motoring. You will also have a friendly introduction to the club of your choice from a familiar face at GoGoGo Intensive, making joining your local club stress-free and even easier.
Your FREE Affiliate membership to the IAM includes a host of benefits including a 20% discount off the “Skills for Life” programme. Contact us today to find out more about our 5 day course and the advanced driving course we offer as part of our aftercare.
Click here to find out more about IAM’s Advanced Driver Course.